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3 Ways to Use Sneeze Guards Effectively in the Office

By April 23, 2021 June 10th, 2021 No Comments
A picture of a person sneezing contaminants

Safety is a priority for all employees. They want to work in an environment that looks after their health and safety concerns. With the pandemic still at large, ensuring your employees are safe and healthy while at work is a necessity. They want to feel like they can come to the office and go back home without the fear of contracting COVID-19.

Following the necessary social distancing requirements is a sure way to keep your employees safe at work. Since the coronavirus is airborne, you should look for ways to prevent its transmission among employees while at work, and one great way to do so is through sneeze guards for office desks and reception areas.

Here is how you can use sneeze guards in your office:

1. Protect Customers and Employees

Employees and customers are the lifelines of your business. If they don’t have trust in the preventative measures you have in place, they might be unwilling to come to the office.

The idea is to limit the number of respiratory droplets and contaminants that can get exchanged between employees and customers. Sneeze guards for office environments ensure that you have a strong line of defence against today’s invisible enemy – COVID-19. Whether you are holding a board meeting, having customers over, or having employees share work spaces, installing sneeze guards is essential.

2. Maintain Light and Transparency in the Workplace

For a while now, open-plan offices have been the norm. From promoting camaraderie and collaboration among employees to ensuring you have a flexible and economical office space, open plan office designs have endless benefits. Sadly, these designs go against the efforts to fight the pandemic. The goal is to reduce social interactions.

Why not have both? You can protect employees while still enjoying the perks of open-plan workplaces. Modern sneeze guards for office environments are made from clear acrylic or glass, which ensures employees can interact without being a threat to each other. It also doesn’t limit light in your office environment, meaning employees won’t feel like the walls are ‘closing in’ on them. Since sneeze guards for office desks are designed with flexibility in mind, they are easy to integrate into any setup.

3. Promote Safety in the Company Cafeteria

A woman wearing a mask

Your company’s cafeteria is a tricky place. While employees won’t be wearing masks as they eat, maintaining the right level of social distance is nearly impossible. Using sneeze guards for the office cafeteria is the ideal solution. They can be placed at the dining tables and used as barriers between the meal servers, employees, and the food.

They ensure employees can interact with each other during meals safely. It also protects meals from getting contaminated, further protecting cafeteria patrons and employees. At-work meals are a key selling point for most job seekers; why take it away from them?

Safety is the Priority

The safer your workplace is, the more conducive it will be for all stakeholders. Sneeze guards for office environments are flexible enough to be installed anywhere, including receptions and office cafeterias. The trick is to know where to place them and to clean them often.

To make your workplace safer, feel free to contact Polymerhapes today.

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