Greenhouse plastics, including UV-resistant greenhouse plastic sheeting, can result in a delightful, durable, and practical greenhouse. Most people think that a greenhouse creates a little bubble sealing off the plants inside it, but that’s not true. Plants need fresh air and the right amount of heat and sunlight. It’s all about control, ventilation, and the perfect design. The right plastic, such as UV-resistant plastic sheeting for greenhouses, can create a lush, effective environment that nurtures the flowers, fruits, or vegetables thriving inside it.

Light and Temperature

Light and temperature are essential for growing plants. They’re important for a functional greenhouse, too. You can use UV-resistant greenhouse plastic sheeting on the roof of the greenhouse to block out direct exposure to the sun, which can sometimes be too much for greenery. We suggest polycarbonate sheets with twin walls to provide protection from UV rays.

For the panels that make up the sides of the greenhouse, opt for transparent panels of polycarbonate. They’re durable and strong to the point where it’s nearly impossible to break them. Polycarbonate panels also allow the ideal amount of light transmission for everything growing in the greenhouse. They provide much-needed insulation as well, which will keep plants and flowers safe from cold temperatures and frost. Polymershapes offers various grades of UV-resistant plastic sheeting for greenhouses if you want the panels to offer some UV protection, too.

We stand behind our UV-resistant greenhouse plastic sheeting. It won’t become discolored over time, nor will it break or fracture. Talk to your clients about what they want out of their greenhouse garden, then get in touch with Polymershapes. We can help you come up with just the right design.

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